2017台北世大運今天(19日)晚間開幕,反年改團體在場外激烈抗議,一度阻撓外國選手入場。國際大學運動總會(FISU)晚間發出聲明表示,開幕儀式被暫時阻撓,但台北市政府迅速排除,讓一度受阻的選手得以順利進入會場,讓開幕式得以按照原本計畫進行;聲明指出,FISU高度重視選手的安全,也希望世大運能和平進行。 FISU聲明指出,晚間稍早因為抗議活動讓2017台北世大運開幕典禮一度被打斷,選手無法進場。不過,台北市警察局迅速排除,讓選手得以參加開幕典禮;各國選手們最後一起進場,且獲得掌聲,開幕典禮最後還是依照計畫進行。 聲明指出,FISU高度重視參賽選手的安全和福祉,場外抗議將交由台北市處理,FISU也要求重新檢視未來對於世大運的相關安排。 FISU表示,期盼世大運還是能和平進行,仍是一場運動、文化和教育的重大賽事。 FISU聲明全文: Earlier this evening, there was a peaceful public order incident that temporarily prevented the entry of athletes to the Taipei 2017 Opening Ceremony. Following a short wait and quick action from the Taipei authorities, the delayed athletes were able to join those already in the stadium. The athletes marched in together to huge applause, and the Ceremony continued as planned. While the welfare and security of athletes is FISU's top priority, public order is an issue for the Taipei authorities. FISU has asked that future arrangements be reviewed. FISU looks forward to the Universiade remaining a peaceful celebration of sport, education and culture.
反年改抗議阻開幕 FISU盼世大運平和進行